A Frontend focused web developer building the frontend of websites and Web Applications that leads to the success of the
overall product.

About Me

Here you will find more information about me, What I do, and my current
skills mostly in terms of programming and technology.

Get to know me !

I'm a Frontend Web Developer building the Front-end of websites and Web Application that leads to the success of the overall product . Check out some of my work in the Project section.

I also like sharing content related to the stuff that I have learned in the Web Development so it can help other people of the Dev Community. Feel free to connect Follow me on my Linkedin where I post usefull content related to Web Development and Programming.

I'm open to Job opportunities where I can contribute, learn and grow. if you have good opportunity that matches my skills and experience then don't hesitate to contact me.







Core Java




Here you will find more information about my projects and you can also check the
live view of the projects.


Starbucks Clone

Utilizing my skills in web development, I meticulously crafted this webpage to replicate the style and functionality of a Starbucks webpage while ensuring seamless adaptability across various devices. From intricate layouts to smooth animations.

See Live

Nike Clone

This project hosts the code for a fully responsive Nike Clone,This project aims to replicate the look and feel of the original Nike website, focusing on its responsive design and interactive elements.A replica of the Nike landing page, showcasing various product highlights

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Quiz Website

My quiz website offers engaging quizzes on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With a user-friendly interface, visitors can seamlessly select their desired quiz category and dive into a knowledge-testing experience.Seamless navigation and immediate result display.

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Amazon Ecommerce Clone

Built an e-commerce application using ReactJS, Tailwind CSS, Firebase, and Redux. Features include product management with cart and checkout, user authentication, a MiniTV section, and a responsive design for optimal user experience across devices.

See Live

NFT Art Gallery

Immerse in a responsive NFT art gallery, built using HTML , CSS and Javascript. where creativity knows no bounds and pixels adapt to every screen and a responsive design for optimal user experience across devices. Showcasing my front-end skills

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Check Weather

I created a weather app using ReactJS and CSS for styling. Users can search for any city, and the app displays the current weather conditions for the selected location. It is responsive and works efficiently across devices. The app handles API calls to provide up-to-date weather information.

See Live


Feel free to contact me by submitting the form below and i will contact you as soon as possible.